Rich Mom Boutique has not been in operation for quite sometimes previously due to some technical problems. Hence, RMB would like to apologize to all customers especially for those who have submitted their orders, but were not being entertained. 

Since RMB will now resume it's operation, we hope that we will be able to respond to your inquiries and orders immediately once we received the forms thru' RMB's email. RMB again, would like to apologize for all the inconvenience caused.

Let's move on to the great news! Starting from 28 June 2011, RMB will be launching CRAZY SALES since we need to clear up all the old stocks. You won't believe the price that we're going to offer you since all the items will be sold on a "harga borong" basis! So, just wait until we finished sorting out all the products & we'll announce it as soon as we're ready.

One more thing, we also will be offering you business package for those who are interested to start off their own online business from home. We're going to provide you with all the products (in bulk of course) with a special price just to give you the opportunity to own your own online business! So, just wait ya...

So, that's all for this time! Enjoy your shopping here ya! ;)

Order Form

Name :
Email Address :
Contact Number :
Delivery Address :
Item Name / Code :
Size / Colour / Quantity :
Note to us (if any)
Mode of Payment Online Transfer
Cash Deposit
Bank Maybank
Bank Rakyat
Willing to Pay Within 24 hours after we reply your e-mail
Within 2 days
Accept RMB's Terms & Conditions

This contact form was created by Freedback.